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The account object is supplied with a set of useful attributes.


id: int

This is the unique identifier of the account.

name: string

This is the unique name of the account.

label: string

This is the label of the account.

type: string

This is the account type. The available types are as follows:

  • personal for character accounts

    Only the account owner (character it is assigned to) can access this account. No additional characters can be added.

  • business for business accounts

    The access permissions and ownership of these accounts should be handled by a business object.

  • joint for joint accounts

  • state for state entity accounts

balance: int

This is the balance of the account.

overdraftLimit: int

This is the minimum allowed balance (i.e. overdraft) of the account.

frozen: bool

This boolean will indicate whether the account is frozen. Frozen accounts will not accept any transactions, deposits or withdrawals.

noteRequired: bool

This boolean will indicate whether the account requires a note with each transaction.

logLimit: int

This is the maximum number of log entries for an account, before previous entries are erased.


characters: table

The array of character identifiers allowed to access this account.

14, 29, 847, 32, 938, ...

logs: table

This is a table of recent transactions stored on the account. These will be incrementally erased after the logLimit is reached, starting with oldest first.

["a"] = 1000, -- amount
["b"] = 4000, -- new balance
["c"] = "WIT", -- transaction type
["d"] = 1684315028, -- transaction date as epoch
["i"] = false, -- inflow
["n"] = "", -- notes
["id"] = 14, -- character ID
["char"] = "R. Gonzales" -- character name

characterData: table

The dictionary of characters and their associated permissions for the account.

["14"] = {
["name"] = "R. Gonzales",
["perms"] = {
["deposit"] = true,
["withdraw"] = true