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The character object is supplied with a set of useful attributes.


id: int

This is the unique identifier of the character.

identifier: string

This is the Discord identifier of the character owner, e.g. discord:368480949693841408.

dateOfBirth: string

The date of birth of the character in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

gender: string

The gender of the character, stored as a single letter - either m or f.

money: int

The money of the character.

crypto: int

The crypto of the character.

phone: int

The phone number of the character, a 10 digit number which cannot start with 0.

init: bool

A flag which determines whether this is the first time the character is initialised. This flag is set to false once first initialisation is complete.

disabled: bool

A flag which determines whether the character is playable. This flag is set to false when the character is sent to the morgue.

job: string

The job of the character, this is automatically reset to civ on connection.

jailTime: int

The remaining jail sentence of the character in minutes.

playTime: int

The total play-time of the character in minutes.

mcash: int

The money stored in the motel room of the character.

walkstyle: string

The walkstyle animation dictionary name of the character.


name: table

The name of the character.

["first"] = "Miles",
["middle"] = "",
["last"] = "Blaine"

When unused, the middle name is stored as an empty string "".

needs: table

The basic needs of the character, such as food and water. These are stored as a dictionary table in Lua, and as values between 0 and 100.

  • A higher thirst value reduces the need for water, and vice versa.
  • A higher hunger value reduces the need for food, and vice versa.
  • A higher stress value increases the stress level, and vice versa.
["thirst"] = 95.43,
["hunger"] = 47.11,
["stress"] = 1.67

paychecks: table

The paychecks awaiting to be collected by the character. This table structure is more complex, but can be represented as follows:

["state"] = {
["Los Santos Police Dept."] = 1250,
["LSPD Auto Impound"] = 500
["pdm"] = {
["Premium Deluxe Motorsport"] = 5000
["vunicorn"] = {
["Vanilla Unicorn"] = 3500

What does this mean? Let's take a look.

  • The character has two awaiting paychecks which will be deducted from the balance of the state business. These will contain a note, labelled Los Santos Police Dept. and LSPD Auto Impound.
  • Notice how two paychecks are given from the same business, under different labels. This means that the character will receive a total of $1750 from this business.
  • A similar principle applies for pdm and vunicorn, except these only contain one label.

created: table

The date and time that the character was created. The date field contains both the date and time stored as a string, while the time field contains an integer representing the epoch timestamp.

["date"] = "05-11-2021 21:31:52",
["time"] = 1636662712

injuries: table

The injuries sustained by the character. The first key-value pair is the bone ID that has sustained injuries. The second key-value pair is the injury Jenkins hash. Lastly, the third key-value pair stores all information for the specific injury such as the type of wound, bleed time, label and meta data.

[31086 --[[boneId]]] = {
[-1716589765 --[[injuryHash]]] = {
["type"] = "penetrating",
["bleed"] = -1,
["string"] = "High-speed Projectile",
["treatableWithBandage"] = false,
["treatmentPrice"] = 500,
["stage"] = 2,
["bandagedTime"] = 0

licenses: table

The licenses held by the character. All possible license fields are shown below, where dates are stored in epoch milliseconds.

["driver"] = {
["status"] = "valid",
["issue_date"] = 1636662712000,
["issued_by"] = "State of San Andreas"
["firearm"] = {
["status"] = "suspended",
["issue_date"] = 1636662712000,
["issued_by"] = "Hon. Judge Oliver Hall",
["suspension_date"] = 1636663523000,
["suspension_end"] = 1636763523000,
["suspension_reason"] = "Illegal Hunting",
["suspended_by"] = "Trooper Erwin McNulty"

Dates here are stored in epoch milliseconds rather than seconds.

whitelist: table

The whitelists held by the character. The key-value pairs represent the whitelist type and whitelist level respectively.

["police"] = 5,
["doctor"] = 0,
["judge"] = 15

A whitelist level of 0 indicates a whitelist was previously held but removed.

appearance: table

The facial and body appearance of the character. This stores features such as tattoos, barber customisation and hair. Outfits are stored separately in a different database table.

["hair"] = {
["type"] = 47,
["color"] = 3,
["highlight"] = 0
["head"] = {
["mix1"] = 0.5,
["mix2"] = 0.5,
["skin1"] = 12,
["skin2"] = 0,
["parent1"] = 42,
["parent2"] = 19,
["eyecolor"] = 3,
["overlays"] = {
["0"] = {
["color"] = 3,
["color2"] = 0,
["opacity"] = 1.0,
["overlay"] = 10,
["colortype"] = 1

inventory: table

The inventory of the character. max_capacity represents the number of rows that are available in the inventory, max_weight the maximum weight level and weight the current weight level. All items are stored under the items field.

["max_capacity"] = 5,
["max_weight"] = 100,
["weight"] = 32,
["items"] = {
["0"] = {
["name"] = "pistol",
["label"] = "Pistol",
["itemid"] = 453432689,
["weight"] = 12,
["stackable"] = false,
["quantity"] = 1,
["created"] = 1636664281,
["serial"] = "K1038384"
["2"] = {
["name"] = "pistolammo",
["label"] = "Pistol Ammo",
["itemid"] = 64,
["weight"] = 5,
["stackable"] = true,
["quantity"] = 4,
["created"] = 1636664362

Inventory slots (or indicies) use zero-based numbering, where the initial element of the array is assigned the index 0, rather than the index 1.