Example Usage
Below is an example of how to create a form and display it to the user.
title = "New Ballot",
elements = {
elementType = "INPUT",
title = "Title",
icon = "fas fa-heading",
name = "title",
type = "text",
maxLength = "32",
required = true
elementType = "LONGTEXT",
title = "JSON Data",
icon = "fas fa-brackets-curly",
name = "json",
type = "text",
required = true
elementType = "CHECKBOX",
label = "Allow Multiple Votes",
name = "voteMultipleTimes",
defaultValue = false
elementType = "INPUT",
title = "Webhook URL",
icon = "fas fa-poll",
name = "webhook",
type = "text",
maxLength = "255",
canExit = true,
validate = function(fields)
local json = json.decode(fields.json);
return {
success = json ~= nil,
message = "Invalid JSON provided, ensure no errors exist."
onFinish = function(success, fields)
if not success then return; end
TriggerServerEvent("ballot:startVote", fields.title, fields.webhook, fields.voteMultipleTimes, json.decode(fields.json));
The layout of a form elements
, with all possible elements can be found below. Most elements follow conventional HTML attribute names and values.
Text Element
-- Text element
["elementType"] = "PARAGRAPH",
["content"] = "This is an example paragraph. It is red.",
["style"] = {
["fontColor"] = "red"
Text Input Element
-- Text-box input element (number)
["elementType"] = "INPUT",
["title"] = "Input Number",
["icon"] = "fas fa-percent",
["name"] = "number",
["type"] = "number",
["min"] = "1",
["max"] = "100",
["desc"] = "This is a number input",
["defaultValue"] = "50",
["required"] = true
-- Text-box input element
["elementType"] = "INPUT",
["title"] = "Input Text",
["icon"] = "fas fa-text",
["name"] = "text",
["type"] = "text",
["maxLength"] = "50",
["defaultValue"] = "default",
["desc"] = "This is a text input",
["required"] = true
Checkbox Element
-- Checkbox input element
["elementType"] = "CHECKBOX",
["label"] = "Check Me",
["name"] = "checkbox",
["defaultValue"] = true,
["desc"] = "This is a checkbox"
Dropdown Element
-- Drop-down selection input element
["elementType"] = "SELECT",
["title"] = "Select an Option",
["name"] = "select",
["options"] = {
["value"] = "option1",
["label"] = "Option 1"
["value"] = "option2",
["label"] = "Option 2"
["value"] = "option3",
["label"] = "Option 3"
["defaultValue"] = {
["value"] = "option1",
["label"] = "Option 1"
["desc"] = "This is a select box"
Long Text Input Element
-- Long-text input element
["elementType"] = "LONGTEXT",
["title"] = "Long Text",
["icon"] = "fas fa-brackets-curly",
["name"] = "longtext",
["type"] = "text",
["maxLength"] = "500",
["desc"] = "This is a long text",
["defaultValue"] = "Default long text",
["required"] = true
Radio Button Element
-- Radio button input element
["elementType"] = "RADIO",
["title"] = "Select an Option",
["name"] = "option",
["desc"] = "This is a radio select",
["options"] = {
["value"] = "radio1",
["label"] = "Radio 1"
["value"] = "radio2",
["label"] = "Radio 2"
["value"] = "radio3",
["label"] = "Radio 3"
Inline Elements
You can place two elements inline, meaning they will show up next to each other horizontally.
-- Inline input elements
["elementType"] = "INPUT",
["title"] = "Input Number Inline",
["icon"] = "fas fa-percent",
["name"] = "number2",
["type"] = "number",
["min"] = "1",
["max"] = "100",
["desc"] = "This is a number input",
["defaultValue"] = "50",
["required"] = true
["elementType"] = "INPUT",
["title"] = "Input Text Inline",
["icon"] = "fas fa-text",
["name"] = "text2",
["type"] = "text",
["maxLength"] = "50",
["defaultValue"] = "default",
["desc"] = "This is a text input",
["required"] = true