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All the events which parse the player src as an argument below must be triggered by the server, this is a safety feature. If you try to trigger such an event from the client-side, it may result in false bans from the anti-cheat system.


Triggered when the player has exited their inventory, this event will save inventory state flag the inventory as available. This event may be triggered by either the client or server. The server will override the src parameter if triggered by a client.

AddEventHandler("inventory:exitedInventory", function(src --[[int]], playerDropped --[[bool]])
-- src: the Id of player which has exited their inventory
-- playerDropped: a flag indicating whether the player disconnected


Triggered by the client when the player opens their inventory.

AddEventHandler("inventory:fetchOpenInventory", function(nearestDropInv --[[string]])
--- nearestDropInv: the nearest inventory where the player can drop items


This event will create a new empty inventory and store it in the database, it will be persistent between sessions.

TriggerEvent("inventory:createInventory", invName --[[string]], maxRows --[[int]], maxWeight --[[int]], clearInventory --[[bool]]);
-- invName: the inventory name
-- maxRows: maximum number of rows
-- maxWeight: maximum weight
-- clearInventory?: if the inventory already exists, simply clear it

You must ensure that all inventory names are unique, otherwise the database will throw a key error or the cache may overwrite with data from another inventory.


This event will open a persistent inventory, and cache it if not already opened before.

TriggerEvent("inventory:openSecondaryInventory", invName --[[string]], src --[[int]], createIfNotExists --[[bool]], maxRows --[[int]], maxWeight --[[int]]);
-- invName: the inventory name
-- src: the player which is opening the inventory
-- createIfNotExists?: create the inventory if it does not exist, and open it
-- maxRows?: if creating, set the maximum number of rows
-- maxWeight?: if creating, set the maximum weight


This event will set the values of a persistent inventory, and create it if it does not exist.

TriggerEvent("inventory:setInventory", invName --[[string]], maxRows --[[int]], maxWeight --[[int]], weight --[[int]], items --[[table]]);
-- invName: the inventory name
-- maxRows: maximum number of rows
-- maxWeight: maximum weight
-- weight: current weight level
-- items: dictionary of indexed items


This event will create a new empty inventory and only cache it, it will not be persistent between sessions.

TriggerEvent("inventory:createSecondaryInventoryTemp", invName --[[string]], maxRows --[[int]], maxWeight --[[int]], weight --[[int]], items --[[table]]);
-- invName: the inventory name
-- maxRows: maximum number of rows
-- maxWeight: maximum weight
-- weight: current weight level
-- items: dictionary of indexed items

You must ensure that all inventory names are unique, otherwise the database will throw a key error or the cache may overwrite with data from another inventory.


This event will open a temporary inventory, and cache it for the current session only.

TriggerEvent("inventory:openSecondaryInventoryTemp", invName --[[string]], src --[[int]], createIfNotExists --[[bool]], maxRows --[[int]], maxWeight --[[int]], weight --[[int]], items --[[table]]);
-- invName: the inventory name
-- src: the player which is opening the inventory
-- createIfNotExists?: create the inventory if it does not exist, and open it
-- maxRows?: if creating, set the maximum number of rows
-- maxWeight?: if creating, set the maximum weight
-- weight?: if creating, current weight level
-- items?: if creating, dictionary of indexed items


This event will set the values of a temporary inventory.

TriggerEvent("inventory:setInventoryTemp", invName --[[string]], maxRows --[[int]], maxWeight --[[int]], weight --[[int]], items --[[table]]);
-- invName: the inventory name
-- maxRows: maximum number of rows
-- maxWeight: maximum weight
-- weight: current weight level
-- items: dictionary of indexed items


This event will open the inventory of another player.

TriggerEvent("inventory:openPlayerInventory", src --[[int]], target --[[int]]);
-- src: the player which is opening the other players inventory
-- target: the target player


This event will open a special inventory where the character can buy items.

TriggerEvent("inventory:openBuyInventory", src --[[int]], buyData --[[table]]);
-- src: target player Id
-- buyData: dictionary of indexed items

The parameter buyData is a special inventory, and structured like so:

["name"] = "buy",
["weight"] = 0.0,
["max_weight"] = 0.0,
["rows"] = 10,
["log"] = "buy-log",
["tax"] = true,
["items"] = {
["0"] = {
["name"] = "pistol",
["label"] = "Pistol",
["weapon"] = true,
["quantity"] = 1,
["weight"] = 12,
["stackable"] = false,
["price"] = 1000

This inventory name does not need to be unique, as it is not cached or stored.

  • The item attribute weapon will create a serial number for the item when it is purchased, and assign it in item metadata.
  • The inventory attribute log will create a log for the purchase to the corresponding log name (in this case buy-log).
  • The inventory attribute tax will add the standard tax rate to each item as assigned in the px_state resource.

When naming a log file, ensure it abides by all OS file name restrictions - otherwise your log may not be created.


This event will open a special inventory where the character can sell items.

TriggerEvent("inventory:openSellInventory", src --[[int]], sellData --[[table]]);
-- src: target player Id
-- sellData: dictionary of indexed items

The parameter sellData is a special inventory, and structured like so:

["name"] = "sell",
["weight"] = 0.0,
["max_weight"] = 0.0,
["rows"] = 10,
["log"] = "sell-log",
["items"] = {
["0"] = {
["name"] = "pistol",
["label"] = "Pistol",
["quantity"] = 1,
["weight"] = 12,
["stackable"] = false,
["price"] = 1000
["1"] = {
["name"] = "animalpelt",
["label"] = "Animal Pelt",
["quantity"] = 1,
["weight"] = 5,
["stackable"] = false,
["price"] = "50 + VAR",
["priceMethod"] = function(itemData, quantity)
return itemData.rarity * 50 * quantity
["desc"] = "Sale price is variable on the type of animal pelt provided."

This inventory name does not need to be unique, as it is not cached or stored.

  • The inventory attribute log will create a log for the purchase to the corresponding log name (in this case sell-log).
  • An item may have a variable sell price determined by its metadata. This can be determined by the use of a priceMethod function, which takes in parameterized item metadata and returns a price.

When naming a log file, ensure it abides by all OS file name restrictions - otherwise your log may not be created.


This event will open a special inventory where the character can craft items.

TriggerEvent("inventory:openCraftInventory", src --[[int]], craftData --[[table]]);
-- src: target player Id
-- craftData: dictionary of indexed items

The parameter craftData is a special inventory, and structured like so:

["name"] = "craft",
["weight"] = 0.0,
["max_weight"] = 0.0,
["rows"] = 10,
["items"] = {
["0"] = {
["name"] = "pistol",
["label"] = "Pistol",
["quantity"] = 1,
["weight"] = 12,
["recipe"] = {
["aluminum"] = {
label = "Aluminum", quantity = 3
["steel"] = {
label = "Steel", quantity = 1
["plastic"] = {
label = "Plastic", quantity = 2
["rubber"] = {
label = "Rubber", quantity = 1

This inventory name does not need to be unique, as it is not cached or stored.